During the period 15.12.2017–15.12.2019, the Union of Disabled people in Bulgaria will imple-ment the project “Pathways of accessible heritage tourism Acronym “Access2Heritage”, ref. No 2055, MIS code 5018890, financed by the INTERREG V – A Cooperation Pr

During the period 15.12.2017–15.12.2019, the Union of Disabled people in Bulgaria will imple-ment the project “Pathways of accessible heritage tourism Acronym “Access2Heritage”, ref. No 2055, MIS code 5018890, financed by the INTERREG V – A Cooperation Pr

The project partners are: 1. Management Body of Rodopi Mountain-Range National Park (Leader) 2. Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia 3. Municipality of Volvi 4. Local Economic Development Agency, Razlog 5. National Confederation of People with Disabilities, Branch of Norther Greece 6. Union of the Disabled People in Bulgaria (UDPB) 7. Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia, Business Administration Depart-ment, Serres 8. Ecoworld Rhodopes Assocition 9. Regional Youth Parliament Association – Kardzhali The main goal of the project isto support the sustain able development of heritage tourism in the CB area an destablish the region asan international destination for senior and accessible tourism, including persons with disabilities and with chronic diseases, elderly and their families. The project aims to: • exchange and import know howandgood practices related to the improvement of the accessibility of cultural and natural heritagestructures (people-to-people activities) • improve for all the accessibility and visitability of selected cultural and natural heritageassets in the CB area (construction works) • enhance the environmental performance of the supported structures towards better energy consumption, waste management and conservation, etc. (green in gofsupported sites) • improve the capacity of authorities responsible for the management of cultural and natural heritageassets, and of professionals from tourist sector (suchas guides, travelagents, event organizers, transportation services, etc.) to meet the needs of senior and accessible tourism (capacity building activities) • raise awareness of the local stakeholders, especially of young people, in relation to the potential of heritage tourism, the importance of endorsing strategies for sustainable development and inclusive design, etc. (awareness activities) • collect data related to the accessibility and friendliness to disabled and elderly visitors of key cultural and natural assets of the CB area (field studies) • improve the visibility of cultural and natural heritage assets that are accessible and friendly to all, through electronic and physical media, campaigns, etc. and by producing an informative guide for all visitors, with useful information for the elderly and the disabled persons (branding & promotion) • conduct a joint strategic planning study towards the CB area branding as an international tourist destination for elderly and disabled, of high quality at low to medium cost (policies & plans) • measure satisfaction and behavior of elderly and disabled visitors in supported structures, and in the CB area at large (tourist behavior & satisfaction surveys).